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Tuesday, September 1, 2015


That is what happened to us this past week. Queen B started preschool. It was a very emotional day. I told her I was not going to cry but I just couldn't help it. Things have changed so much. I go back and read what I wrote and I cant help but wonder who that person is. If you see Brinley now you would never know she has been through so much and my heart was broken so many times. Now my heart is filled with joy, happiness, pride, excitement, anticipation, and every other great word I cant think of. I feel at peace when for so long I never thought I would find it. I will never let me guard down knowing things can change very quickly but for now I soak in this feeling. We will drive the 2 hours to all the dr's appts that we have to and we live in the moment. The fight is worth every minute of it.

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